Five Great Dupes for M.A.C. Lipsticks

Do you prefer to splurge on higher priced lipsticks or do you go for the cheaper options from the drugstore? Today we our fashion and beauty contributor, Faith Pierce, sharing five great drugstore dupes for M.A.C. lipsticks. 

Bold lip color is something I almost never shy away from. From vampy reds, to hot pink, and everything in between I am definitely a lipstick addict. However, when certain colors start trending I don’t always want to splurge on the higher priced product. I have found the best way to play with new colors is to purchase the cheaper, drugstore dupe first. This way I know I love the color on me before buying the higher end version. Above are a few of my favorites that range from nude to dark. 

Bright Pink:

Classic Red:
Deep Red: